Computer Science
@ Monarch High School

A wide range of opportunities

The Computer Science program at Monarch strives to provide a range of opportunities where students engage in authentic learning that prepares students for the workforce in any career they choose.

Authentic Learning

All of Monarch’s Computer Science courses are facilitated using a Project-Based Learning model where students work to create a product throughout the module of study.

An example project is the Keep Calm and Code On, which is the first project in AP Computer Science A. Students write Java programs that generate colorable mandala-like designs that promote mindfulness. We have received funding from Impact on Education two years in a row that permits us to print the designs in a book and distribute them to the high school Wellness Centers in BVSD.

MoHi Mindfulness Moments 1.0

MoHi Mindfulness Moments 2.0

Industry Recognized Credentials

Most of the Computer Science courses are aligned to an end-of-course industry certification, which is way students can formally show their proficiency.

Students have recently earned:
CompTIA Tech+
CompTIA Linux+
Python Institute’s Certified Entry-Level Programmer
Oracle Java Certified Foundations Associate

Student Leadership

Monarch is affiliated with the Colorado Technology Student Association (TSA). TSA provides opportunities for students to expand their skills outside of the classroom, through competitive projects at the state conference in February. Students can develop leadership skills by serving as a project leader, committee leader, or chapter officer. Through our “TSA Teach” program, chapter members have visited local elementary and middle schools like Monarch K8 to get students excited about future opportunities in Computer Science and STEM.

Our chapter meets weekly on Wednesdays during the academic year.


Students can apply for internships to push their skills even further while gaining valuable industry experience.

Students have recently interned with Lockheed Martin through their CodeQuest program as well as with BVSD’s hardware repair team.

Stephen Buch (above) and Viktor Gustafsson (below) interned with BVSD’s hardware repair team during the summer of 2024.